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Rochford Primary & Nursery School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Special Educational Needs

RPS  SEND Policy

Our SEND Policy outlines the framework for Rochford Primary and Nursery School to meet its duty and obligation to provide a high quality education to all of its pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and to do everything it can to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

Through successful implementation of this policy, the school aims to:

Eliminate discrimination

Promote equal opportunities

Foster good relationships between pupils with SEND and pupils without SEND

Work with the Local Authority within the following principles which underpin this policy:

Involve children, parents/carers and young people in decision-making

Identify children’s and young people’s needs

Ensure there is collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support

Offer high quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND

Offer greater choice and control for young people and parents/carers over their support.

Changes to the assessment process




Years 4,5 & 6 met Darren today who told them all about Kaos Youth Club. This is a great place to meet new friends, try new activities and have fun. Each child has been given a 'Golden Ticket' for a free milkshake when they go to the club.  At only £3 a session, the club sounds like a fantastic place to hang out and try something new.   SEND Drop In Sessions

Click the image to open Essex Local Offer SEND homepage

Mega Centre Rayleigh Support for Parents

 SEND Bridge Newsletter

The SEND Bridge newsletter is for Essex families who have children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND). The monthly newsletter brings together relevant information and news, including:



social care

parent carer support

activities and things to do.

Access the link below to sign up:




Mega Centre: we work with families, parents, children and young people who might need a little support or friendship, someone to come alongside them to help weather the storms that life sometimes throws at us and just some fun and relaxing times to have together as a family. We support families who have a child with any additional need, young parents, new parents (after all, children do not come with a manual!), parents of teenagers – all through one to one meetings over a tea or coffee, parenting sessions, groups and family fun sessions.


SEND Policies and Information


Essex Local Offer Leaflet


SEND Policy

SEND School Offer

SEND Information Report


If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and the support they receive for their special educational need or disability please initially contact the class teacher, either on the playground at the end of the school day or via the School Office. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SEND and Inclusion Lead.

If you feel this issue has not been dealt with sufficiently, or you still need further advice, please inform the Headteacher.

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