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Rochford Primary & Nursery School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

School Parliament

The School Parliament is composed of two representatives from each year group, who elect a chairperson, a secretary, a head of publicity and also fulfil other key committee roles. The School Parliament is designed to ensure that all pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them. Through class discussions, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues and share ideas. 

The School Parliament meet regularly and often run charity fundraising events.

It is the class representatives' jobs to :

Attend meetings regularly.

Talk to the children they represent and give their views to the SP.

Feedback from the SP to the children.

Make suggestions for change and have ideas to share with the SP.


School Parliament Action Plan

 We met to reflect on the year and to make plans for September. The children like the timetables as they help us know what is coming up, all the sport, the arts provision and the snacks!  They would love to see the introduction of friendship ambassadors to help children in the playground and would also love to fundraise to buy an outdoor library and outdoor art room! 

School Parliament 2024-25



Every fortnight the children put together their own minutes and these are displayed on our School Parliament board.

This year's School Parliament members are:


Red Class - Rosie and Oliver

Orange Class - Holly and Lily

Yellow Class - Ava and Negan

Purple Class - Barny and Viivi

Green Class - Tedbury and Alissa

Blue Class - Harry and Josh



School Parliament Roles


This year's School Parliament Cabinet Roles:  

Prime Minister: Tedbury

Deputy PM: Josh

Publicity Manager: Alissa

Fundraising & Finance Minister: Harry

Wellbeing Ministers: Rosie and Viivi

Environment Minister: Lily

 Behaviour Ministers: Negan and Barnaby

Creativity Minister: Ava

Teaching & Learning Ministers: Holly and Oliver


 Menu Choices


Mrs Nolan (our Catering Manager) asked us to taste test a new chicken dish as a possible menu option. The children liked the look of it, saying it looked ‘crispy’ and ‘like KFC’! 10 children tasted it and all of them thoroughly enjoyed it, voting for it to go onto the menu. Some children were concerned it might not be a healthy option. Mrs. Nolan reassured us that it is a healthy dish.

Parliament members are collecting votes from their class mates to decide which dish the new chicken option will replace. 


Democracy in Action



Our Key Stage 2 children, along with whole school staff, were able to cast their votes in deciding who our new Prime Minister would be. 


Designing the Menu


 Taste testing










Over the past month the school council have been helping the kitchen staff to design a new lunch menu. They have voted for dishes and today got to taste test a new recipe for chicken noodles. The children loved it and all gave it a thumbs up to go on the menu! 




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