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Rochford Primary & Nursery School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Arts Council


The Arts Council at RPS are responsible for helping to make decisions about how all of the Arts subjects (art, music, dance and drama) are taught and enjoyed at our school. 

We were awarded the prestigious Silver Arts Mark Award for our commitment to teaching the arts and are now our our journey towards Gold.  


Royal Academy of Arts Exhibition

The Arts Council wanted us to enter more competitions, so we have entered the Royal Academy of Arts Summer exhibition. Below are just a few of the incredible pieces created.




Arts Council 2023-24



 Arts Council Members


 Red Class –Millie and Damien

Orange Class - Alice and Negan

Yellow Class – Barnaby + Rachel

Purple Class – Tyler and Jacob

 Green Class - Macie and Darcy

Blue Class - Frankie and Sriyan



Artsmark Silver Award

As a school, we have enrolled on the Artsmark journey. Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. Artsmark gives us the opportunity to help make arts come alive and is a valuable tool for enriching the school's arts provision. 


 Doodle Club

The Arts Council have been working on increasing extra curricular activities for our school. We have registered to enter the Royal Academy of Arts Summer exhibition and have launched our brand new Doodle Club. 


French Art Gallery


From Henri Matisse to Paul Cezanne, our children created art work in the style of famous French Artists. We then proudly displayed our work in a French Art Gallery. 




Meeting Minutes

 Art Council Meeting Minutes


We met to reflect on the progress we have made and the current Arts provision. They have really enjoyed the new art lessons and would like to see even more free time to create in lessons. They would like to add even more arts clubs into lunchtimes as well as continuing our new doodle and Performing arts clubs. 

Date of meeting: 26/5/23


Red –Poppy and Kasper

Orange- Bella and Dylan

Yellow– Cooper and Kadija

Purple– Sultaana and Amelia

Green- Aedan & Safa

Blue- Charlie

We discussed:

Art council impact   

 We looked back at all the actions that Arts council have suggested since September and celebrated the fact that we had made a huge impact as most of these have become a reality… herd in the city, more lunchtime clubs, more practical work in our lessons, more competitions, more freedom and time in the form of Fabulous Fridays! The children felt ‘the teachers seem to be teaching themselves about art’.

 Fabulous Fridays

 We shared our views about how Fabulous Fridays are going…


‘I like it because we do whatever we want.’

The best bit is having fun!’

‘Art all day is my dream thing.’

‘Sometimes I like it being totally free but sometimes a theme is good as it helps you with ideas.’

‘I love expressing my feelings.’


Actions for next meeting:

·         Minutes to be shared with Mrs Watkins to put on website

·         Share this with Mr Owen.

Date of meeting: 14/4/23


Red –Poppy and Kasper

Orange- Bella and Dylan

Yellow– Cooper and Kadija

Purple– Sultaana and Amelia

Green- Aedan

Blue- Freya and Daisy

We discussed:

Herd in the city We discussed the timeline for the Herd in the city exhibition and how the process works. We continued to work on our elephant – taking it in turns to paint sections and transfer the design onto the sculpture.

Actions for next meeting:

· Minutes to be shared with Mrs Watkins to put on website · Deliver elephant next week!


Date of meeting: 31/3/23


Art and School Council

 Special guest: Florence (designer of elephant)

We discussed:

Herd in the City We discussed possible names for our elephant. The council made lists and Florence helped pick a name and organise a blub about our elephant. Name Shortlist Daisy Be yourself Joy Positive Name: Joy Blurb Our elephant was designed to make people smile and to show how proud we are to be part of Rochford Primary School. The positive messages will cheer people up if they are having a bad day and help them to develop a growth mindset. We hope our elephant brings joy to everyone!

Actions for next meeting:

· Minutes to be shared with Mrs Watkins to put on website · Email to be sent to tell organisers the information and name.


Arts Mark Action Plan

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